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School Belle's Uniform Order Form

Uniforms are provided by School Belle's, use school code s1958 school year 2023

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Tuition Schedule

Tuition Schedule 2022-23

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July 8, 2022

Sacred Heart Church
Fr. Albers Hall
2733 Massachusetts Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45225

Extracurricular Activities

While St. Edmund Campion Academy does not offer formal extracurricular activities,  many school  families participate in these opportunities.

Troops of St. George

The troops of St. George offer an opportunity for fathers and sons to grow in their faith while conquering the outdoors.

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First Friday Bowling
(and  Dad's Group)

Each month after an early school dismissal,  students, families (a lot of Dads and kids), and staff gather at the Madison Bowl for fun and recreation.

Helpers of God's Precious Infants

(related: Mary's Mantle for Life and Life's Fifth Quarter)
Many Campion families gather with others at Holy Name Church in Mt. Auburn each Saturday at 8:00 am to pray for an end to abortion in our country.  Following, there is Eucharistic Adoration and a procession from Church to the abortion facility down the street.  During the procession, people pray 15 decades of the rosary before returning to church for Benediction.

Forty Days for Life

Each Spring and Fall, staff, students and families gather at the abortion facility on Auburn Avenue in Cincinnati on one afternoon for 6 consecutive weeks.  Students lead  20 decades of the rosary in Latin.
Traditionally, students, families and staff enjoy Skyline chili at the end of the last week's prayer.